PJSC National Bank Trust v Mints [2023] EWHC 118 (Comm)
Mrs Justice Cockerill has recently handed down judgment in PJSC National Bank Trust v Mints [2023] EWHC 118 (Comm) in which she considered the effect of the Russian sanctions on various litigation issues. In short, she held that sanctioned claimants can sue for damages and judgment can be entered in their favour without the regulations being contravened; and payment of costs to and by sanctioned persons (i.e. adverse and favourable) and security for costs to be provided by sanctioned persons are licensable activities.
John Machell KC acted for MFT (PTC) Limited (together with James Knott of 4 Stone Buildings) instructed by Jonathan Speed and Simona Peter of Bird & Bird.
The judgment can be viewed here.