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Serle Court “offers a variety of skill sets that others can’t provide, and houses some of the biggest names at the Bar”
Chambers UK
"The ‘go-to’ set for international trusts work, Serle Court houses ‘first-rate advisers, who also pull their weight as part of a team"
Legal 500
"The set is “a cut above the rest for commercial litigation, fraud and general chancery work”
Chambers UK
“Serle Court is the ‘go-to set for offshore litigation involving trusts and civil fraud’”
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Elizabeth Jones KC

Year of Call: 1984 Year of Silk 2000

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Financial Services
  • Intellectual Property
  • Chancery
  • Company
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Partnership and LLP
  • International and Offshore
  • Mediation

Ryan Tang

Year of Call: 2022 (Solicitor 2021)

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Intellectual Property
  • Charities

Matthew Innes

Year of Call: 2022

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore
  • Insolvency
  • Property
  • Professional Negligence

Anneliese Mondschein

Year of Call: 2021

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law
  • Intellectual Property
  • Private International Law
  • Property
  • International and Offshore
  • Insolvency
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Partnership and LLP

Paul Adams

Year of Call: 2008

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Professional Negligence
  • Insolvency
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Private International Law

Jonathan Adkin KC

Year of Call: 1997 Year of Silk 2013

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Chancery
  • Civil Fraud
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Partnership and LLP
  • International and Offshore
  • Arbitration

Sinéad Agnew

Year of Call: 1998

    Areas of Expertise

  • Chancery
  • Property
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore

Andrew Gurr

Year of Call: 2020

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Charities
  • Insolvency
  • Property
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Anthony Kennedy

Year of Call: 2014

Lance Ashworth KC

Year of Call: 1987 Year of Silk 2006

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Company
  • Financial Services
  • Professional Negligence
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Chancery
  • Arbitration
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • International and Offshore
  • Mediation

Lance Ashworth KC

Year of Call: 1987 Year of Silk 2006

    Areas of Expertise

  • Mediation

Lance Ashworth KC

Year of Call: 1987 Year of Silk 2006

Claudia Barry

Year of Call: 2023 (Solicitor 2020)

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Private International Law
  • UAE & DIFC Litigation
  • Professional Negligence
  • Group Litigation
  • Property
  • Intellectual Property
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate

James Behrens

Year of Call: 1979

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Property
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Mediation

James Behrens

Year of Call: 1979

James Behrens

Year of Call: 1979

    Areas of Expertise

  • Mediation

Tim Benham-Mirando

Year of Call: 2019

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • International and Offshore
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Insolvency
  • Intellectual Property
  • Professional Negligence

Charlotte Beynon

Year of Call: 2015

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Insolvency
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • International and Offshore
  • Chancery
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law
  • Group Litigation

David Blayney KC

Year of Call: 1992 Year of Silk 2013

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Professional Negligence
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Company
  • Charities
  • Insolvency
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore
  • Telecommunications and Information Technology
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Group Litigation

Alan Boyle KC

Year of Call: 1972 Year of Silk 1991

    Areas of Expertise

  • Mediation
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Thomas Braithwaite

Year of Call: 1998

    Areas of Expertise

  • Property
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Professional Negligence

Andrew Bruce

Year of Call: 1992

    Areas of Expertise

  • Property
  • Professional Negligence
  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Civil Fraud
  • Chancery

Zahler Bryan

Year of Call: 2012

    Areas of Expertise

  • Chancery
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Civil Fraud
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • International and Offshore

David Casement KC FCIArb

Year of Call: 1992 Year of Silk 2008

    Areas of Expertise

  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Chancery
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Company
  • Financial Services
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Professional Negligence
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Human Rights
  • Private International Law
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary

Paul Chaisty KC

Year of Call: 1982 Year of Silk 2001

    Areas of Expertise

  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • International and Offshore
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Professional Negligence
  • Property
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media

Geraldine Clark

Year of Call: 1988

Timothy Collingwood KC

Year of Call: 1996 Year of Silk 2020

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Insolvency
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Civil Fraud
  • International and Offshore
  • Chancery

James Corbett KC

Year of Call: 1975 Year of Silk 1999

Adrian de Froment

Year of Call: 2013

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Intellectual Property
  • International and Offshore
  • Private International Law
  • Telecommunications and Information Technology
  • UAE & DIFC Litigation
  • Group Litigation

Marc Delehanty

Year of Call: 2011

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • International and Offshore
  • Insolvency

Dominic Dowley KC

Year of Call: 1983 Year of Silk 2002

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Financial Services
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Arbitration
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Dominic Dowley KC

Year of Call: 1983 Year of Silk 2002

David Drake

Year of Call: 1994

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Professional Negligence
  • Chancery
  • Private International Law

Michael Edenborough KC

Year of Call: 1992 Year of Silk 2010

    Areas of Expertise

  • Intellectual Property
  • Telecommunications and Information Technology
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Mediation
  • Art & Cultural Property

Thomas Elias

Year of Call: 2008

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Intellectual Property
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Insolvency
  • International and Offshore
  • Partnership and LLP

Thomas Fletcher

Year of Call: 2009

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore
  • Charities
  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Property

Jonathan Fowles

Year of Call: 2004

    Areas of Expertise

  • Charities
  • Chancery

Andrew Francis

Year of Call: 1977

    Areas of Expertise

  • Professional Negligence
  • Property
  • Competition Law and State Subsidies
  • Chancery

George Vare

Year of Call: 2020

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Professional Negligence

Dakis Hagen KC

Year of Call: 2002 Year of Silk 2017

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Civil Fraud
  • Professional Negligence
  • Commercial Litigation
  • International and Offshore
  • Chancery
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Emma Hargreaves

Year of Call: 2012

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore
  • Court of Protection
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Prof Jonathan Harris KC (Hon.)

Year of Call: 2006 Year of Silk 2016

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private International Law
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • EU Law
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore
  • Arbitration
  • Insolvency
  • Civil Fraud
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law
  • Group Litigation

Nicholas Harrison

Year of Call: 1988

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Chancery
  • Commercial Litigation
  • International and Offshore
  • Group Litigation

Simon Hattan

Year of Call: 1999

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Civil Fraud
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Insolvency
  • Company
  • Chancery
  • Arbitration
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Group Litigation

Jennifer Haywood

Year of Call: 2001

    Areas of Expertise

  • Arbitration
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Chancery
  • Company
  • International and Offshore
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law
  • Mediation

Jennifer Haywood

Year of Call: 2001

    Areas of Expertise

  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation

Jennifer Haywood FCIArb

Year of Call: 2007

    Areas of Expertise

  • Arbitration

Justin Higgo KC

Year of Call: 1995 Year of Silk 2020

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Company
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore

Richard Hine

Year of Call: 2023

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Partnership and LLP
  • International and Offshore
  • Property
  • Professional Negligence

Frank Hinks KC

Year of Call: 1973 Year of Silk 2000

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Property
  • Charities
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore

Clare Hoffmann

Year of Call: 1990

Gregor Hogan

Year of Call: 2016

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Charities
  • Insolvency
  • Private International Law
  • Arbitration
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law
  • UAE & DIFC Litigation
  • Group Litigation

Sophie Holcombe

Year of Call: 2009

    Areas of Expertise

  • Chancery
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore
  • Group Litigation

Sir Raymond Jack

Year of Call: 1966

    Areas of Expertise

  • Arbitration

Sir Raymond Jack

Year of Call: 1966

Jennifer Meech

Year of Call: 2008

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Insolvency
  • Property
  • Professional Negligence
  • Company
  • Civil Fraud
  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Chancery
  • Financial Services
  • International and Offshore
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private International Law
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Arbitration
  • Group Litigation

John Eldridge

Year of Call: 2019

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Civil Fraud
  • Arbitration
  • Partnership and LLP
  • International and Offshore
  • Intellectual Property
  • Professional Negligence
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Paul Johnson

Year of Call: 2006 (Solicitor 1990)

    Areas of Expertise

  • Mediation
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Group Litigation

Oliver Jones

Year of Call: 2014

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Professional Negligence
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Private International Law
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Chancery

Elizabeth Jones KC

Year of Call: 1984 Year of Silk 2000

    Areas of Expertise

  • Mediation

Philip Jones KC

Year of Call: 1985 Year of Silk 2006

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Company
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Property
  • Chancery
  • Professional Negligence
  • Charities
  • Arbitration
  • Private International Law
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Intellectual Property
  • Tax
  • International and Offshore
  • Mediation

Philip Jones KC

Year of Call: 1985 Year of Silk 2006

    Areas of Expertise

  • Mediation

Philip Jones KC

Year of Call: 1985 Year of Silk 2006

Ruth Jordan

Year of Call: 2001

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Property
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Tax
  • Charities
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore

Dr Thomas Krebs

Year of Call: 1998

Lara Kuehl

Year of Call: 2012

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Insolvency
  • Property

Kuldip Singh KC

Year of Call: 1975 Year of Silk 1993

Wilson Leung FCIArb FHKIArb

Year of Call: 2008 (Hong Kong) 2022 (England & Wales)

Sir Gavin Lightman (1939 - 2020)

Year of Call: 1964

Daniel Lightman KC

Year of Call: 1995 Year of Silk 2016

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Professional Negligence
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Chancery
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Brigitte Lindner

Year of Call: 2021

    Areas of Expertise

  • Intellectual Property
  • Human Rights
  • Private International Law

Lord Briggs of Westbourne

Year of Call: 1978

John Machell KC

Year of Call: 1993 Year of Silk 2012

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Company
  • Arbitration
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore

Max Marenbon

Year of Call: 2020 (Solicitor 2018)

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Commercial Litigation
  • UAE & DIFC Litigation
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate

Philip Marshall KC

Year of Call: 1987 Year of Silk 2003

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Professional Negligence
  • Insolvency
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Financial Services
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Arbitration
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore

Philip Marshall KC

Year of Call: 1987 Year of Silk 2003

Harry Martin

Year of Call: 2012

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Property
  • International and Offshore
  • Professional Negligence
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Tax

James Mather

Year of Call: 2006

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Company
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Chancery
  • Professional Negligence

Dan McCourt Fritz KC

Year of Call: 2007 Year of Silk 2023

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Chancery
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore

Jonathan McDonagh

Year of Call: 2011

    Areas of Expertise

  • Chancery
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • International and Offshore
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Group Litigation

Constance McDonnell KC

Year of Call: 2000 Year of Silk 2019

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Court of Protection
  • International and Offshore
  • Property

Giselle McGowan

Year of Call: 2011

    Areas of Expertise

  • Insolvency
  • Property
  • Tax

Adil Mohamedbhai

Year of Call: 2010

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Company
  • Partnership and LLP
  • International and Offshore
  • Insolvency
  • Chancery
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Andrew Moran KC

Year of Call: 1989 Year of Silk 2016

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Financial Services
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Civil Fraud
  • Professional Negligence
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate

Matthew Morrison

Year of Call: 2004

    Areas of Expertise

  • Insolvency
  • Company
  • Civil Fraud
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Private International Law
  • Chancery
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Professional Negligence
  • International and Offshore
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Mr Justice Lavender

Year of Call:

Niamh Herrett

Year of Call: 2021

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Property
  • Intellectual Property

Hugh Norbury KC

Year of Call: 1995 Year of Silk 2012

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Professional Negligence
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Arbitration
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Howard Page KC

Year of Call: 1967 Year of Silk 1987

    Areas of Expertise

  • Arbitration

Howard Page KC

Year of Call: 1967 Year of Silk 1987

Professor Michael Palmer

Year of Call: 2004

Sir Jonathan Parker

Year of Call: 1962

    Areas of Expertise

Amy Proferes

Year of Call: 2012

    Areas of Expertise

  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Property
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Professional Negligence
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Civil Fraud
  • Private International Law
  • Chancery
  • Court of Protection

Conor Quigley KC

Year of Call: 1985 Year of Silk 2003

    Areas of Expertise

  • Competition Law and State Subsidies
  • EU Law
  • Tax
  • Human Rights
  • Private International Law
  • Telecommunications and Information Technology

Conor Quigley KC

Year of Call: 1985 Year of Silk 2003

Professor Suzanne Rab

Year of Call: 2013 (Solicitor 1999)

    Areas of Expertise

  • Competition Law and State Subsidies
  • EU Law
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Telecommunications
  • Financial Services
  • Intellectual Property
  • Data Protection
  • Arbitration
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Private International Law
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Human Rights
  • International and Offshore
  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Group Litigation
  • Mediation
  • Commercial Litigation

Professor Suzanne Rab

Year of Call: 2013

    Areas of Expertise

  • Competition Law and State Subsidies
  • Mediation

Jamie Randall

Year of Call: 2017

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Arbitration

Robin Rathmell

Year of Call: 2006

Rupert Reed KC

Year of Call: 1996 Year of Silk 2014

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Professional Negligence
  • Property
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Arbitration
  • Civil Fraud
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Company
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Insolvency
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Chancery
  • International and Offshore
  • UAE & DIFC Litigation

Giles Richardson KC

Year of Call: 1997 Year of Silk 2022

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Company
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Chancery
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Professional Negligence
  • International and Offshore
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Beverly-Ann Rogers

Year of Call: 1978

    Areas of Expertise

  • Mediation

Rupert Reed KC

Year of Call: 1996 Year of Silk 2014

    Areas of Expertise

  • Arbitration

Kuldip Singh KC

Year of Call: 1975 Year of Silk 1993

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Financial Services
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Professional Negligence
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Company
  • International and Offshore
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Chancery
  • Private International Law

Kuldip Singh KC

Year of Call: 1975 Year of Silk 1993

Sparsh Garg

Year of Call: 2017

    Areas of Expertise

  • Arbitration
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • International and Offshore
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate

Stefano Braschi (Stefano Theodoli-Braschi)

Year of Call: 2021

    Areas of Expertise

  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Charities
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Intellectual Property
  • International and Offshore
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Professional Negligence
  • Property

Christopher Stoner KC

Year of Call: 1991 Year of Silk 2010

    Areas of Expertise

  • Property
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Professional Negligence
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Arbitration

Patrick Talbot KC

Year of Call: 1969 Year of Silk 1990

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Chancery
  • Civil Fraud
  • Property
  • Company
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Professional Negligence
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Partnership and LLP
  • International and Offshore
  • Mediation

Patrick Talbot KC

Year of Call: 1969 Year of Silk 1990

    Areas of Expertise

Patrick Talbot KC

Year of Call: 1969 Year of Silk 1990

    Areas of Expertise

  • Mediation

Stephanie Thompson

Year of Call: 2017

    Areas of Expertise

  • Chancery
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • International and Offshore
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Company
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Intellectual Property
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Gareth Tilley

Year of Call: 2007

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Professional Negligence
  • Intellectual Property
  • Insolvency
  • Chancery

Jon Turnbull

Year of Call: 2023 (Solicitor 2016)

    Areas of Expertise

  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • International and Offshore
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Property
  • Arbitration
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Charities
  • Private International Law
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Telecommunications and Information Technology

Jonathan Upton

Year of Call: 2004

    Areas of Expertise

  • Property
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Professional Negligence
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Group Litigation

Ramyaa Veerabathran

Year of Call: 2023 (Solicitor 2017)

    Areas of Expertise

  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • International and Offshore
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Professional Negligence

Richard Walford

Year of Call: 1984

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Company
  • Professional Negligence
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Property
  • Civil Fraud
  • Insolvency
  • Chancery

Sir Mark Waller

Year of Call: 1964 Year of Silk 1979

    Areas of Expertise

  • Arbitration

Michael Walsh

Year of Call: 2006

    Areas of Expertise

  • Property
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Company
  • Professional Negligence
  • Partnership and LLP
  • Group Litigation

James Weale

Year of Call: 2007

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Insolvency
  • Company
  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Civil Fraud
  • Professional Negligence
  • Charities
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law
  • UAE & DIFC Litigation
  • International and Offshore

John Whittaker

Year of Call: 1969

Stephanie Wickenden

Year of Call: 2014

    Areas of Expertise

  • Intellectual Property
  • Art & Cultural Property
  • Private International Law
  • Telecommunications and Information Technology
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Sports, Entertainment & Media

Richard Wilson KC

Year of Call: 1996 Year of Silk 2016

    Areas of Expertise

  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Professional Negligence
  • Civil Fraud
  • International and Offshore
  • Company
  • Private International Law
  • Property
  • Chancery
  • Tax
  • Matrimonial Finance: Trusts and Company law

Wilson Leung

Year of Call: 2008 (Hong Kong) 2022 (England & Wales)

    Areas of Expertise

  • Insolvency
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Property
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Tax

Mark Wraith

Year of Call: 2017

    Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Litigation
  • Civil Fraud
  • Company
  • Private Client Trusts and Probate
  • Partnership and LLP
  • International and Offshore
  • Professional Negligence
  • Regulatory and Disciplinary
  • Insolvency

Zoe O'Sullivan KC

Year of Call: 1993 Year of Silk 2015

    Areas of Expertise

  • Arbitration
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Civil Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Telecommunications and Information Technology
  • Company
  • International and Offshore
  • UAE & DIFC Litigation

Zoe O'Sullivan KC

Year of Call: 1993 Year of Silk 2015