Year of Call: 1996 Year of Silk: 2020
”Has a more cerebral approach to things and is someone to go to for complex cases. He has excellent legal analysis and gets down to details on the money front. He can figure out where the money went and who took it.” “Responsive and very pleasant to work with, he is someone whose written work is always precise, clear and informative.”
Described in Legal 500 (2025) as "a truly gifted advocate who is totally committed to the case", Tim has a broad commercial and chancery practice, with a particular emphasis on litigation concerning issues in respect of commercial agreements and company, insolvency and international trusts matters. The directories recognise him as a leading practitioner in these fields. He has extensive experience of claims concerning breaches of duty, in particular in respect of directors or trustees and frequently involving allegations of fraud, and of shareholder disputes.
Prior to commencing practice in this jurisdiction, Tim was called to the bar in the Cayman Islands and practised as an attorney-at-law. He continues to undertake work in respect of a number of offshore jurisdictions. He is called to the Bar of the British Virgin Islands.
Tim has considerable experience in company law matters. He is recommended for company work in Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500 and has been for many years. Chambers and Partners has stated that he “stands out for his ‘sharp intellect and clear enjoyment of the most complicated of company matters’”. He has particular expertise in shareholder disputes (including unfair prejudice petitions, derivative claims and just and equitable winding up), claims involving allegations of breach of duty by directors and disputes concerning the construction of articles of association. His work has included all manner of disputes in respect of companies of varying size, value and business; from claims concerning hedge funds or investment funds or sports agency companies to companies in the business of slaughtering cattle or processing steel. He acts in offshore as well as domestic company disputes.
Tim is also one of the authors of Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice and Procedure (seventh edition, OUP). He co-writes the chapter on unfair prejudice (with Victor Joffe KC, SC) and writes the chapters on: remedies and valuation; and on rights under the Companies Act 2006.
A number of the matters in which Tim is instructed settle prior to trial. Cases of note in which he has acted include:
Re: Uphold Ltd (FSD Cause no.134 of 2022, Cayman Islands, 5 December 2024) - acted for the Fifth Respondent in successfully obtaining an indemnity costs order against the Petitioner in a just and equitable winding up petition in the Cayman Islands following a successful strike out application.
Caldicott Worldwide Ltd v Siong (No.3) (EC Court of Appeal, decision of 18 September 2024) BVIHCMAP2023/0009, VG 2024 CA 017 - successfully represented the respondents in the third appeal concerning the effect on an unfair prejudice claim in BVI of a stay of proceedings against the company pursuant to an arbitration agreement in its articles of association.
DUK v UGX (BVIHC (COM) 2024/358, decision of 16 September 2024) - acting for the companies in an application brought in BVI for permission to commence derivative claims on behalf of each of the companies.
Invenio Business Solutions Ltd v Goyal [2024] EWHC 1236 (Ch) - successfully represented claimant companies at trial in proceedings seeking to injunct former employee/director from asserting "Good Leaver" status under articles of association and relief for breach of duty.
Re: Uphold Ltd (FSD Cause no.134 of 2022, Cayman Islands, 25 April 2024) - successfully represented a respondent shareholder to a just and equitable winding up petition in the Cayman Islands in its application to strike out the relief sought against it.
DnaNudge Ltd v Ventura Capital GP Ltd [2024] 1 BCLC 263 - successfully represented the respondent in the Court of Appeal in opposing an appeal concerning the proper construcion of the articles of association, variation of class rights and conversion of preference shares to ordinary shares.
Siong v Caldicott Worldwide Ltd (No.2) (EC Court of Appeal) BVIHCMAP2021/0007 - successful appeal of first instance judge's decision concerning the effect on an unfair prejudice claim in BVI of a stay of proceedings against the company pursuant to an arbitration agreement in its articles of association.
Ventura Capital GP Ltd v DnaNudge Ltd ([2023] 2 BCLC 1, [2023] EWHC 704 (Ch)) - successfully acted for the Claimants in the trial of a claim to set aside the purported conversion of preference shares to ordinary shares (with the consequent loss of preferred rights). Implication of a limitation upon the exercise of a power under the articles to convert the preference shares. Leading authority on the application of s 633 CA 2006.
Re Hawkwing Plc [2023] BCC 556 - acted for the company in oppostion to an application for an administration order.
Siong v Caldicott Worldwide Ltd (EC Court of Appeal) BVIHCMAP2020/0020 - appeal concerning application for a case management stay in unfair prejudice proceedings where the claim has been stayed as against the company pursuant to an arbitration agreement in the articles of association.
Re: R-Squared Holdco Ltd ([2020] EWHC 23 (Ch)) - successfully obtained injunctive relief to restrain holding of disciplinary proceedings concerning two shareholder directors pending resolution of unfair prejudice petition.
Re Hector Finance Group BVIHCM2019/0190 - claim concerning the effect on unfair prejudice proceedings against the majority shareholders of a stay of those proceedings against the company pursuant to an arbitration agreement in the company's articles of association.
Reyl & Cie SA v LK Bennett Ltd (2018) - acted for certain directors in claims pursuant to s 423 Insolvency Act 1986 and conspiracy arising out of the group owning and operating the well-known shoe and fashion retailer.
Grantley Ltd v LK Bennett Ltd (2018) - acted for certain director respondents in an unfair prejudice petition concerning the corporate restructuring of the group owning and operating the well-know shoe and fashion retailer.
Burberry Group Plc v Fox-Davies (Court of Appeal) ([2017] BCC 387; first instance reported at [2015] 2 BCLC 66) - leading case on access to the register of members of a company, the meaning of "proper purpose" and the requirements for a valid request.
Cullen Investments Ltd v Brown ([2017] EWHC 2793 (Ch)) - successfully opposed application by a director for relief from liability arising from breaches of duty.
Cullen Investments Ltd v Brown ([2017] EWHC 1586 (Ch)) - successfully represented the claimants at the trial of a derivative claim for breach of duty and diversion of opportunity, together with related personal claims concerning a property joint venture.
Re Migration Solutions Holdings Limited ([2016] EWHC 523 (Ch)) – successful defence of an unfair prejudice petition alleging unfair exclusion from management and breaches of duty.
Cullen Investments Ltd v Brown ([2016] 1 BCLC 491; [2015] BCC 539) - successful application for permission to continue a derivative claim in the context of a property joint venture.
Signia Wealth v Dauriac-Stoebe (2015) - acted for the defendant shareholder in a shareholder dispute between her and John Caudwell following the former's dismissal as CEO of their investment management company, which included the operation of a leaver clause.
Gilbert v Holms ([2014] EWHC 482 (Ch)) – successfully represented the claimant investor (and the third party) in a claim against a director for negligent misrepresentation in a private placement memorandum concerning the acquisition of shares in a pharmaceutical company.
Moxon v Litchfield ([2013] All ER (D) 133), – unfair prejudice petition concerning complaint of exclusion from management and cross-allegations of breaches of duty. Leading case on leaver provisions.
EVIC I v GEDVF II ([2012] JRC 146; [2013] JRC 004) – proceedings in Jersey concerning winding down of a Jersey investment fund.
Re: Southern Counties Fresh Foods Ltd ([2011] Costs LO 343) – unfair prejudice petition involving numerous allegations of unfair conduct and breach of duty in respect of a company in the meat trade.
Phillips v Phillips (Court of Appeal) ([2009] EWCA Civ 185) – dispute concerning ownership of shares and alleged appointment of director.
Beagle Properties v Tatanaki ([2008] All ER (D) 42) – claim concerning exercise of put option under share purchase agreement.
Tim has a broad commercial practice, including claims concerning all manner of commercial agreements, guarantees, share purchase agreements, agency or distribution agreements, shareholder disputes, investments and claims involving allegations of breaches of duty. He is recommended for commercial chancery work in Chambers and Partners, which has stated that “he's not just an intellectual heavyweight, he also has excellent judgement” and for Asset Recovery in Who's Who Legal. Examples of cases include:
Gilbert v Holms ([2014] EWHC 482 (Ch)) – successfully represented the claimant investor (and the third party) in a claim for negligent misrepresentation concerning the acquisition of shares in a pharmaceutical company.
EVIC I v GEDVF II ([2012] JRC 146; [2013] JRC 004) – proceedings in Jersey concerning winding down of a Jersey investment fund.
Leeds United Football Club Limited v Weston ([2012] 1 JLR Note 23) – claim concerning misapplication of credit card monies; application of forum conveniens in Jersey.
Re: Southern Counties Fresh Foods Ltd ([2011] All ER (D) 66) – shareholder dispute involving numerous allegations of unfair conduct and breach of duty in respect of a company in the meat trade.
Alhamrani v Alhamrani – substantial claims for breach of trust and breach of fiduciary duty in respect of two Jersey trusts.
Beagle Properties v Tatanaki [2008] All ER (D) 42 – claim in the Commercial Court concerning exercise of put option under share purchase agreement.
Tim acts and advises in respect of both corporate and personal insolvency matters, with a particular emphasis on directors’ breaches of duty and asset recovery issues. He is recommended for insolvency work in the Legal 500 and Best Lawyers directories and for Asset Recovery in Lexology Index. Recent work has included acting in claims for misfeasance, claims in respect of transactions at an undervalue and transactions defrauding creditors, as well as acting for the trustee in proceedings concerning a financially distressed trust estate in Jersey.
Previous reported cases include:
Re Hawkwing Plc [2023] BCC 556 - acted for the company in oppostion to an application for an administration order.
Buchler v Almidani ([2006] BPIR 867) – decision concerning a trustee in bankruptcy’s application for documents against the bankrupt’s brother in a substantial bankruptcy.
Gil v Baygreen Properties Ltd ([2005] BPIR 95; [2005] 1 Costs LR 75) – misfeasance claim involving allegations of breach of fiduciary duty against a director in relation to a transaction at an undervalue.
Re Carman Construction Ltd [2000] BPIR 371 – a winding up petition by the supervisor of a CVA in respect of a company already in voluntary liquidation.
Raja v Goodman [2000] Ch 274 (CA) – case concerning the validity of the variation of voluntary arrangements under Insolvency Act 1986.
Tim has been involved in some of the substantial trusts cases of recent times, including cases such as the Tchenguiz litigation, Alhamrani v Alhamrani, Z Trusts and the Thyssen litigation. He has experience of cases involving breaches of trust and breaches of fiduciary duty by trustees, the negligent investment of trust assets, blessing applications, the sale of trust companies and of advising the trustee of a financially distressed trust estate in Jersey. He is recommended for private client work in Legal 500, where he is referred to as "the first port of call on heavyweight and complex trust cases". He is also named as one of the leading barristers in trusts work by Citywealth, which has described him as “the ideal choice of barrister for any trust dispute”. He has experience of practising full-time in an offshore jurisdiction (as an attorney–at-law in the Cayman Islands) and his work in this area of practice often concerns offshore jurisdictions, including Jersey, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man and Gibraltar. His work includes:
Representation of Summit Services [2024] JRC 222 - acting for a beneficiary in a blessing application concerning various decisions of the trustee in connection with a long-running process concerning the separation of the assets of certain family trusts.
Representation of BOS Trustees Ltd [2024] JRC 124 - acting for the trustee in an application in Jersey for leave to distribute in spite of a possible third party claim to the trust assets.
In the matter of the Q Trust [2023] JRC 242 - acting for trustee in application concerning surrender of discretion and directions in respect of decision.
Re S Trust (2021) - advising beneficiary of trust concerning restructuring (instructed by Collas Crill).
ITG v Glenella (2019) - acting for the new trustees in proceedings concerning priority of claims in relation to substantial trust and effect of assignment of certain claims.
Ieremeieva v Estera (2019) - acting for widow and son of oligarch in proceedings alleging fabrication of trust deed in order to secure control of stake in substantial Ukrainian business group (alternatively sham trust).
Re B&C Trust (2018) – successfully obtained substantive relief for a Claimant in trustee’s Beddoes summons.
Brakspear v Nedgroup Trust (Jersey) Limited [2018] JRC 121, [2019] JCA 150 – successfully acted for defendant trustee in securing strike out of proceedings alleging fraudulent breach of trust, conspiracy and sham trust.
Ieremeieva v Estera (2017) – successfully obtained appointment of receiver and injunctive relief to protect trust fund from dissipation in proceedings alleging fabrication of the trust deed following the settlor’s death (alternatively sham trust).
Alhamrani v Alhamrani – acting for new corporate trustee in significant trust litigation in Jersey.
Re the X Trust – claim in Jersey against corporate trustee for breach of trust in respect of investment.
C v D – claim regarding share purchase agreement in respect of sale of trust company.
Perczynski v Perczynski – substantial trusts litigation in Jersey in connection with matrimonial dispute.
Barker v RBC – claim against trustee concerning allegations of breach of duty in respect of investments.
Thyssen litigation - litigation in Bermuda concerning a claim to set aside a trust, and substantial associated personal claims.
Tim regularly acts and advises in cases concerning allegations of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty, often in the context of his other areas of work. He is recommended for Asset Recovery in Who's Who Legal.
Cases include:
Federal Republic of Nigeria v Tibit (2020) - acting for the defendant company in proceedings in BVI involving claims for knowing receipt, dishonest assistance, restitution and proprietary claims. The Federal Republic of NIgeria alleges that the company acquired an executive jet using monies misappropriated by government officials.
Ieremeieva v Estera (2019) - acting for widow and son of oligarch in proceedings alleging fabrication of trust deed in order to secure control of stake in substantial Ukrainian business group (alternatively sham trust).
Brakspear v Nedgroup Trust (Jersey) Limited [2018] JRC 121, [2019] JCA 150 – successfully acted for defendant trustee in securing strike out of proceedings alleging fraudulent breach of trust, conspiracy and sham trust.
Cullen Investments Ltd v Brown ([2017] EWHC 1586 (Ch)) - successfully represented the claimants at the trial of a derivative claim for breach of duty and diversion of opportunity, together with related personal claims concerning a property joint venture.
Re B&C Trust (2017) – successfully obtained appointment of receiver and injunctive relief to protect trust fund from dissipation in proceedings alleging fabrication of the trust deed following the settlor’s death (alternatively sham trust).
Gilbert v Holms ([2014] EWHC 482 (Ch)) – acted in a claim involving allegations of negligent and fraudulent misrepresentation made to an investor in respect of the acquisition of shares in a pharmaceutical company.
Leeds United Football Club Limited v Weston ([2012] 1 JLR Note 23) – claim concerning misapplication of credit card monies; forum conveniens in Jersey.
Simply Loans Direct Ltd v Wood [2006] All ER (D) 291 – successful summary judgment application in respect of breaches of duty by director.
Chancery: Commercial (Chambers & Partners)
Dispute resolution: Commercial Chancery (Chambers Global)
Company (Chambers & Partners and Legal 500)
Insolvency (Legal 500)
Private wealth and probate - private client: trusts and probate (Legal 500)
Offshore: Commercial disputes (Legal 500)
Offshore: Trusts and private wealth (Legal 500)
Prominent Barrister - Trusts (Citywealth Leaders List)
Insolvency and Restructuring Law (Best Lawyers)
Asset Recovery (Lexology Index, formerly Who's Who Legal)
"Tim is very clever and very good on his feet – he has the ear of the court." (Chambers & Partners, 2025)
"Timothy has the ear of the court and is a good operator." (Chambers & Partners, 2025)
"Timothy is incredibly responsive and his advice is very commercial. He is always thinking about what is in the best interests of the client." (Chambers & Partners, 2025)
"Extremely able and responsive." (The Legal 500, 2025)
"Exceptionally bright and knowledgeable, he is a truly gifted advocate who is totally committed to the case." (The Legal 500, 2025)
"Tim is the first port of call on heavyweight and complex trust cases. His knowledge of trust law is second to none." (The Legal 500, 2025)
"Very experienced in this kind of law, he's very personable and comes across very well with judges." (Chambers & Partners, 2024)
"Clever and articulate in court but with a light touch, he gets the judge on side and knows the law inside out." (Chambers & Partners, 2024)
"Extremely astute, he provides strategic, insightful advice. He's a very approachable silk with excellent client-handling skills, who really helps drive a case." (Chambers & Partners UK Bar, 2023)
"He is responsive, a good advocate and likeable as a person. He is switched on and sensible on his feet." "He is really capable and very knowledgeable on trusts law. He is tactically sensible and really hard-working." (Chambers Global, 2021)
"Tim is easy to work with as he's bright, efficient and pragmatic." (Chambers & Partners, 2021)
"He is responsive, a good advocate and likeable as a person. He is switched on and sensible on his feet." "He is really capable and very knowledgeable on trusts law. He is tactically sensible and really hard-working." (Chambers & Partners, 2021)
"Noted for breach-of-duty cases." (The Legal 500, 2021)
"Well-prepared and his advocacy is persuasive." (The Legal 500, 2021)
"User-friendly with an incisive mind and bags of offshore experience." (The Legal 500, 2021)
Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice and Procedure (Seventh edition, O.U.P., 2024)
Serle Court Excels in Chambers Global Guide 2025
Serle Court is delighted to have once again achieved top-band recognition in the Chambers & Partners Global Guide 2025. We are... Read More
Serle Court Achieves Top Tier Ranking in The Legal 500 Caribbean 2025: The English Bar Offshore
Serle Court is delighted to have once again achieved top-tier recognition in The Legal 500 Caribbean 2025: The English Bar Offshore, with... Read More
”Exceptionally bright and knowledgeable, he is a truly gifted advocate who is totally committed to the case.”
"Tim is very clever and very good on his feet – he has the ear of the court."
”Exceptionally bright and knowledgeable, he is a truly gifted advocate who is totally committed to the case.”
"Tim is the first port of call on heavyweight and complex trust cases. His knowledge of trust law is second to none."
BA, BCL: Magdalen College, Oxford
Called to the Bar in the British Virgin Islands 2018
Called ad hoc to the Bar in the Cayman Islands
Called to the Bar in the Cayman Islands 1997
Practised as attorney-at-law in the Cayman Islands in 1997
Part time lecturer, King’s College London, 1995-6
Chancery Bar Association
Commercial Bar Association
French (working knowledge)
Swimming, water sports, rugby union and cycling.
Serle Court Excels in Chambers Global Guide 2025
Serle Court is delighted to have once again achieved top-band recognition in the Chambers & Partners Global Guide 2025. We are... Read More
Serle Court Achieves Top Tier Ranking in The Legal 500 Caribbean 2025: The English Bar Offshore
Serle Court is delighted to have once again achieved top-tier recognition in The Legal 500 Caribbean 2025: The English Bar Offshore, with... Read More