Thomas Elias

Year of Call: 2008

"Very bright, clear-thinking and tactically astute."

“Thomas radiates calm, and many a crisis passes unnoticed thanks to his grip on the situation."

“Thomas has a strikingly good eye for detail and his advocacy is perfectly judged – never overplaying a point but always pressing the point home until it lands.”

The Legal 500
Portrait of Thomas Elias

Practice Overview

Thomas has a wide-ranging commercial chancery practice with particular expertise in company law, civil fraud, insolvency and intellectual property.

Notable recent matters include successfully appealing a finding of dishonesty in a three day appeal in the Court of Appeal (Floreat v Churchill [2023] EWCA  Civ 440) (leading John Eldridge), successfully defending a claim to a property worth c. £8 million under s. 423 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (Lemos v Church Bay [2023] EWHC 2384 (Ch)) (leading Andrew Gurr), and appearing  in the Court of Appeal in Marks & Spencer v Aldi Stores in a design right case relating to light-up snow globe gin liqueur bottles (led by Michael Edenborough KC). He also appeared as part of a team in two appeals to the Privy Council from The Bahamas.

Thomas is due to appear in a three week Commercial Court fraud trial in the summer of 2024. 

Thomas is recognized in the Legal 500 as a leading practitioner in commercial litigation, company law, intellectual property and insolvency.

He is one of the editors of Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice and Procedure (Joffe et al, 7th edn, 2024) and a contributing editor of CITMA’s Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings (2nd edn, 2023).

News & Events

  • News

    Case Highlights of 2023

    Grand View Private Trust Co Ltd and another (Respondents) v Wong and others [2022] UKPC 47 On 8 December 2022, the Privy Council handed... Read More


    Matthew Innes writes for Practical Law Restructuring and Insolvency (Lexis PSL)

    In a case analysis published by Practical Law Restructuring and Insolvency, Matthew Innes discusses the implications for insolvency and fraud... Read More

  • Events Hub

    Serle Court Client Party 2024

    Read More


    Book Launch: ‘Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice, and Procedure’  (7th edition)

    Location: Royal College of Surgeons (Lumley Library), 38 – 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields
    Read More

  • "He’s a real expert on company law. He’s very user-friendly, bright and pleasant to deal with."  

    The Legal 500
  • "As a senior junior, Thomas is almost without peer as an advocate. He is thoroughly unflappable, and is talented at turning around a sceptical tribunal."  

    The Legal 500
  • “An excellent barrister with an eagle eye for the detail.”

    The Legal 500
  • “He has excellent judgement and tactical sense, well beyond what would be expected from his level of call.

    The Legal 500

Education & Qualifications

Kings College,Cambridge: BA (English) 
Double first class honours; MPhil; PhD (16th century music and literature) City University: GDL (distinction)
Inns of Court School of Law: BVC (outstanding). Scarman Scholarship (1st overall in BVC at ICSL).


Called to the Bar of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (BVI) (2013)


Member of the Chancery Bar Association, COMBAR and the IP Bar Association

BSB Registration

Thomas Patrick Elias

VAT Number



One of the editors of Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice and Procedure (Joffe et al, 7th edn, due February 2024
Contributing editor of CITMA’s Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings (2nd edn, 2023).

In the Press

Mentioned in 'M&S settles lawsuit with Aldi over Colin the Caterpillar cake' Retail Gazette

News & Events

  • News

    Case Highlights of 2023

    Grand View Private Trust Co Ltd and another (Respondents) v Wong and others [2022] UKPC 47 On 8 December 2022, the Privy Council handed... Read More


    Matthew Innes writes for Practical Law Restructuring and Insolvency (Lexis PSL)

    In a case analysis published by Practical Law Restructuring and Insolvency, Matthew Innes discusses the implications for insolvency and fraud... Read More

  • Events Hub

    Serle Court Client Party 2024

    Location: Read More


    Book Launch: ‘Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice, and Procedure’  (7th edition)

    Location: Royal College of Surgeons (Lumley Library), 38 – 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields Read More