Professor Michael Palmer

Year of Call: 2004

Portrait of Professor Michael Palmer

Practice Overview

B.Sc (Econ.), London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) 1967.
M.A. (Chinese Studies), SOAS (University of London), 1968.
LL.B., Trinity College, University of Cambridge, 1978.
LL.D., University of London, 2002.
Professor of Law, University of London.
Chair, Centre of East Asian Law, SOAS, University of London.
Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, SOAS, University of London.
Chair, Subject Board in Social Science, University of London.
Visiting Professor of Law, SPACE, University of Hong Kong.
Adjunct Professor London Law Centre, University of Notre Dame.
Visiting Professor, Faculte Internationale de Droit Compare, Universite Robert Schuman, Strasbourg.
Visiting Professor of Law, Renmin University Law School, Beijing, China.
Visiting Professor of Law, California Western School of Law, San Diego, USA

Professional Training Responsibilities:

Academic Convenor, ”Lord Chancellor's Training Scheme for Young Chinese Lawyers”
Joint Academic Convenor, "Lord Chancellor's Judicial Training Scheme for Chinese Judges"

1990 (October) to 1993 (October): Head, China Law Unit, Attorney-General's Chambers, Hong Kong, (on special secondment from the University of London).

1992 (April) to 1993 (April): Secretary and Member, "Governor's Working Party on Legal and Judicial Relations between Hong Kong and the Mainland [China]".

1999 special advisor to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to assist in preparations for China's accession to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

1997 to present, at various times, advisor and contributor to the UK-China Human Rights Dialogue, an official programme of cooperation intended to assist China's accession to the ICCPR.

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Education & Qualifications

London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) – B.Sc (Econ.)

School of Oriental and African Studies – MA (Chinese Studies)

Trinity College, Cambridge - LL.B.

University of London – LL.D.


Associate Member, International Academy of International Law

Founding Member, Association for Comparative Legal Studies

External Assessor in Law, for Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise, Hong Kong

Universities’ Grants Committee (1996)

Member, Society of Public Teachers of Law

Member, Great-Britain China Centre

Member, Socio-legal Studies Association

Member, Legal Action Group

Member, British Association of Chinese Studies

Advisory Member, Wingate Scholarships Trust

1996; 2006; Overseas Member, Law Panel, Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise.


Spoken Chinese: Putonghua & Cantonese, Reading: Chinese, Clasical & Modern. French.

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