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ING Bank N.V. v Tecnimont S.P.A. [2024] EWHC 1084 (Comm).

In a judgment handed down this morning, Mrs Justice Cockerill has given important guidance on the effect and scope of a submission to the jurisdiction by a defendant in proceedings.

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Morris and others v Williams & Co Solicitors (a firm)

Area of Law: Group Litigation

The Court of Appeal has given guidance on the circumstances in which a group of claimants can together issue one claim form.

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Oasis Investments II Master Fund Ltd and Others v Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited [2024] CA (Bda) 7 Civ

Area of Law: Company

Jonathan Adkin KC and Adil Mohamedbhai continue to act for the dissenters in Re Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited, a multi-billion-dollar shareholder appraisal action in Bermuda concerning the Jardine group of companies, a Fortune Global 500 group of companies and one of the largest conglomerates in the world.

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İşbilen v Selman Turk & Ors [2024] EWHC 505 (Ch)

Area of Law: Civil Fraud

Dan McCourt Fritz KC and Andrew Gurr act in successful committal application

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Lifestyle Equities CV (Respondents) v Amazon UK Services Ltd (Appellants) [2024] BusLR 53

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC and Thomas St Quintin (Hogarth Chambers) (instructed by Brandsmiths) acted for the successful Respondent in the Supreme Court, which dismissed Amazon’s appeal on whether its site had targeted customers in the UK. This now becomes the leading judgment on targeting and will provide helpful, detailed guidance on the matter.

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Loveridge v Povey and Ors [2024] EWHC 329 (Ch)

Area of Law: Company

Dan McCourt Fritz KC and Ramyaa Veerabathran successfully represented the respondent controlling shareholder, Ivy Loveridge, in an application made by her son, Michael Loveridge, under paragraph 74 of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 (the “Insolvency Application”), seeking to prevent the administrators of Breton Park Residential Homes Ltd (“Breton Park”) from rescuing it as a going concern on the basis that the proposed rescue would be unfair to his interests, purportedly as a shareholder of the company.

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THG plc and others v. Zedra Trust Company (Jersey) Limited [2024] EWCA Civ 158

Area of Law: Company

Lance Ashworth KC and Dan McCourt Fritz KC acted on behalf of the successful appellants, THG plc and others, in this unfair prejudice petition, instructed by Catherine Naylor and Tom Cox at Gowling WLG (UK) LLP.

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Leonard v Leonard [2024] EWHC 321(ChD)

Area of Law: Private Client Trusts and Probate

Constance McDonnell KC and George Vare, assisted by Anneliese Mondschein, acted on behalf of the successful Claimants in this contested probate claim (instructed by Bernadette Baker, Kate Harris, and Anna Lambert of Birketts LLP).

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Barrett v Universal - Island Records Ltd [2006] EMLR:

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Elizabeth Jones KC acted for the successful defendants against members of the Wailers who claimed to have been parties to recording contracts with Bob Marley, and also claimed ownership of the copyrights in certain tracks written by Bob Marley.

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Crafts Group LLC v MS Indeutsch International [2023] FSR 23 and 24

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC and Stephanie Wickenden have successfully represented Crafts Group in their appeal to the Court of Appeal in Crafts Group LLC v MS Indeutsch International [2024] EWCA Civ 87. 

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Blackhorse Investments (Borough) Limited v The London Borough of Southwark [2024] UKUT 33 (LC)

Area of Law: Property

Jonathan Upton has successfully resisted an application to set aside the whole of a final order modifying covenants in a lease of a public house. 

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Dyer v Webb

Area of Law: Property

Amy Proferes acted for the successful respondents in Dyer v Webb [2023] EWHC 1917 (KB). Perhaps unusually for a neighbour dispute, the case (as noted by Dexter Dias KC in his judgment) "raises important questions about the nature, extent and limitations of certain of our fundamental freedoms under the law."  The judgment confirms that objecting to planning applications, and discussing those applications with others, are rights protected under the Human Rights Act 1998.

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Docklock Limited v C Christo & Co Limited

Area of Law: Chancery

Daniel Lightman KC and Reuben Comiskey (of Radcliffe Chambers), instructed by Stephen Baker of Herrington Carmichael, represented the successful appellants in Docklock Limited v C Christo & Co Limited [2024] EWCA Civ 45.

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Thatchers Cider Company Limited v Aldi Stores Limited

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Stephanie Wickenden and Niamh Herrett successfully represented Aldi in Thatchers Cider Company Limited v Aldi Stores Limited.

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easyGroup Ltd v Easy Live (Services) Ltd & Ors

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC and Stephanie Wickenden successfully represented easyGroup on appeal in easyGroup Ltd v Easy Live (Services) Ltd. Having established infringement under s.10(3) for some of the Defendants’ signs, the Court of Appeal confirmed that passing off should also have been found. The judgment, given by Lord Justice Arnold, gives interesting guidance on lost licensing revenue as a head of damage under passing off. The Court of Appeal also overturned a declaration of infringement granted by the trial judge in respect of the signs not found to infringe. The Court imposed its own much narrower declaration.

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Asturion Fondation v Alibrahim

Area of Law: Property

Judgment has been handed down by Mr Justice Adam Johnson after a trial over three weeks this summer in the Chancery Division of the High Court.  The Foundation’s claims had been struck out in 2018, but then restored by the High Court in [2019] EWHC 274 (Ch) in a ruling upheld by the Court of Appeal in [2020] EWCA Civ 32; [2020] 1 WLR 1627; [2020] 2 All ER 965.

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Oatly AB v Dairy UK Ltd

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC acted for Oatly in a High Court appeal from the UK IPO concerning the use of the word 'milk' in the trade mark 'Post Milk Generation', which is used on the packaging of some of Oatly’s oat based products.

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Philip Christian v Andrew Lloyd Webber and Trevor Nunn

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Stephanie Wickenden acted for Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sir Trevor Nunn, securing summary judgment against a claim brought against them by a former dancer claiming copyright in “Memory” from the musical “Cats”.

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Ntzegkoutanis v Kimionis (Re Coinomi)

Area of Law: Company

The Court of Appeal has handed down its judgment in Ntzegkoutanis v Kimionis [2023] EWCA Civ 1480.

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Temple Island Collections Ltd v New English Teas Ltd [2012] ECDR 11:

Michael Edenborough KC and Gareth Tilley acted for the successful Claimant in the infamous “Red London Bus” copyright case concerning the copying of a composite photograph.

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Crafts Group LLC v M/S Indeutsch International, [2023] FSR 23 and 24

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC acted for Crafts on this important procedureal case about whether post IP Completion Day amendments can relate back to an action started before then. Permission to appeal to the CoA has been granted.

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Marks and Spencer Plc v Aldi Stores Ltd, [2023] FSR 17

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Thomas Elias acted for Aldi in this registered design case concerning the Christmas illuminated snow-globe Gin Bottle. Michael Edenborough KC led Thomas in the appeal.

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Entertainment One UK Ltd v Cong Ty Tnhh Tu Cong Nghe Va Dich Vu Sconnect Vietnam, [2023] ECDR 10, [2023] 1 WLR 233

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC, leading Gwilym Harbottle of Hogarth Chambers and John Eldridge of Serle Court, acted for the successful claimant in securing service of the originating documents by email. This case provided clear guidance of what previously was an unclear procedure.

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Mohammed v Daji

Area of Law: Charities

Jonathan Fowles, led by Mark Sefton KC of Falcon Chambers and instructed by Mishcon de Reya LLP, acted for the successful claimants in Mohammed v Daji [2023] EWHC 2761 (Ch). The successful claim was to establish that a very substantial site at Abbey Mills in East London is held by the claimants on a charitable trust associated with a particular Sunni Muslim community in the London region. The judgment of HHJ Cadwallader, sitting as a Chancery Judge, is of significance for trusts and charities lawyers. In particular, the judgment sets out and applies the law relating to trusts established by charity appeals to a complicated factual history, and further develops the principle of delegated authority to declare charitable trusts in Attorney-General v Mathieson  [1907] 2 Ch 383.

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easyGroup v Nuclei (and others) [2023] FSR 9

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Stephanie Wickenden (led by outside leading counsel) represented easyGroup in the Court of Appeal (having also appeared at trial). The appeal gave significant guidance on non-use, confusion and the defence of honest concurrent use.

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DNA Nudge Limited v Ventura Capital GP Limited

Area of Law: Company

On 9 October 2023 the Court of Appeal handed down its judgment in DnaNudge Ltd v Ventura Capital GP Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1142.

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easyGroup v Easy Life

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Stephanie Wickenden and Stefano Braschi acted for easyGroup against the band Easy Life that was using imagery redolent of the airline. The band undertook to change its name. The case was widely reported in the popular press.

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Freeholders Limited v Batin & Donovan

Area of Law: Property

The High Court (Richards J) has handed down its second judgment in Prescott Place Freeholders Limited v Batin & Donovan [2023] EWHC 1445 (Ch), in which Michael Walsh acted for the successful Claimants. This judgment deals with the consequential matters arising from the findings of fact at trial (see [2023] EHWC 435) (the “Trial Judgment”).

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M L Technology v B.E.A.T. SAM

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Thomas Elias acted for the claimants in this cross-jurisdictional trade mark dispute arising in the context of a sale of shares in one of the defendant companies.  At an interim hearing, the claimants resisted applications for a stay and for security for costs, and obtained an unless order against the defendants.

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Prescott Place Freeholders Limited & Others v Batin & Donovan [2023] EHWC 435

Area of Law: Property

Mr Justice Richards' judgment in Prescott Place Freeholders Limited & Others v Batin & Donovan [2023] EHWC 435 is essential reading for those interested in tenants’ rights of first refusal under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987.  Michael Walsh acted for the successful Claimants.

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Ivanishvili v Credit Suisse Trust Limited [2023] SGCH(I) 9

Area of Law: Civil Fraud

The Singapore International Commercial Court (International Judge Bergin) has today handed down judgment following the trial of the dispute between Bidzina Ivanishvili and other plaintiffs and Credit Suisse Trust Limited. The claim stemmed from the long-running fraud committed by Patrice Lescaudron, an employee of Credit Suisse Bank in Geneva.  

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Trafalgar Multi Asset Trading Company Ltd v Hadley & Ors

Area of Law: Company

Justin Higgo KC acted for the successful Claimant in Trafalgar Multi Asset Trading Company Ltd v Hadley & Ors [2023] EWHC 1184 (Ch), both in the High Court and the Court of Appeal.

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Healey v Fraine & Others

Area of Law: Property

In Healey v Fraine & Others [2023] EWCA Civ 549, the Court of Appeal has decided that Parliament did not intend to change the law of adverse possession in the Land Registration Act 2002 so that occupiers of land could be in possession with the consent of the owner and also be in adverse possession at the same time for the purposes of paragraph 5 of schedule 6 of the Act. The Court decided that the meaning of adverse possession had not changed.

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Floreat Investment Management Limited v Churchill & Ors

Area of Law: Civil Fraud

The Court of Appeal handed down judgment on Tuesday 25th April 2023 in Floreat Investment Management Limited v Churchill & Ors [2023] EWCA Civ 440, in which it reversed a finding of dishonesty made at first instance and entered judgment in favour of the appellants. The decision also provides useful guidance as to the appropriate content and structure of trial closing submissions.

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Hunt v Ubhi

Area of Law: Company

The Court of Appeal handed down judgment on Wednesday, 19th April 2023, in Hunt v Ubhi [2023] EWCA Civ 417 in which it reiterated that the default rule is that applicants for freezing orders, including office holders, must provide unlimited cross undertakings in damages and that a departure from the default rule must be justified.

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PJSC National Bank Trust v Mints

Area of Law: Civil Fraud

Mrs Justice Cockerill has recently handed down judgment in PJSC National Bank Trust v Mints [2023] EWHC 118 (Comm) in which she considered the effect of the Russian sanctions on various litigation issues. In short, she held that sanctioned claimants can sue for damages and judgment can be entered in their favour without the regulations being contravened; and payment of costs to and by sanctioned persons (i.e. adverse and favourable) and security for costs to be provided by sanctioned persons are licensable activities.

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Zedra Trust Company (Jersey) Limited v. THG plc

Area of Law: Company

On 18th January 2023, Fancourt J handed down judgment in the ongoing unfair prejudice petition Zedra Trust Company (Jersey) Limited v. THG plc [2023] EWHC 65 (Ch), after the Court of Appeal had in 2021 struck out complaints that Zedra’s shareholding had been diluted [2021] EWCA Civ 904.

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Frain (aka Reeves) v Reeves

Area of Law: Civil Fraud

In Frain (aka Reeves) v Reeves [2023] EWHC 73 (Ch), Elizabeth Jones KC and Paul Adams successfully opposed the grant of permission to bring committal proceedings in relation to alleged false statements made in pleadings and witness statements containing a statement of truth, and in disclosure statements. Significant aspects of the judgment include (a) confirmation at [26]-[32] that where it can be seen at the permission stage that more than one inference may reasonably be drawn in relation to evidence advanced in support of a committal application, the claimant will be unable to establish a strong prima facie case to the criminal standard at trial, so that permission should not be granted, (b) confirmation at [37]-[39] of the importance of the applicant’s case on a committal application being clearly and fully set out within the four corners of the application and (c) the Judge’s decision at [42] that a judgment made at the trial of underlying proceedings out of which a committal application arises is not admissible in the committal application against a person who was a witness in but not a party to the original proceedings.  

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Malik v Hussain

Area of Law: Company

James Mather and Mark Wraith appeared for the successful appellant in Malik v Hussain [2023] EWCA Civ 2, in which the Court of Appeal held that where there was a term requiring contracts to be exchanged within seven days of payment of the deposit by a successful bidder that only required the bidder to exchange within seven days of being presented with a contract in a form capable of being present with a contract in a form capable of being executed and exchanged.  The issue arose in the context of a long-running partnership and company dispute concerning the ownership of a prominent restaurant business in Manchester.  In previous trials James and Mark successfully established the disputed existence of the partnership and that the claimant was entitled to require an open market sale of the relevant assets rather than a buy-out at a valuation determined by the court.  

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Jean-Charles v The Attorney General of The Bahamas and ors [2022] UKPC 51

Area of Law: International and Offshore

The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has handed down its advice in Jean-Charles v The Attorney General of The Bahamas and ors [2022] UKPC 51. The decision establishes that a constitutional challenge may be made in an action for habeas corpus and that separate legal proceedings are not required.

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Ticehurst & Ors v Harbour Fund II LP & Ors [2022] EWHC 3053 (Comm)

Area of Law: Commercial Litigation

On 30 November, Mr Justice Foxton sitting in the Commercial Court, KBD handed down judgment in the matter of Ticehurst & Ors v Harbour Fund II LP & Ors [2022] EWHC 3053 (Comm).  Elizabeth Jones KC, instructed by Harcus Parker led Daniel Saoul KC (4 New Square), and Richard Hoyle and Lorraine Aboagye (Essex Court) on behalf of Harbour.

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Grand View Private Trust Co Ltd and another (Respondents) v Wong and others

Area of Law: Private Client Trusts and Probate

The Privy Council has today handed down judgment allowing the appeals of Dr Winston Wong, Riley Wong and Tony Wang in the conjoined appeals of Grand View Private Trust Co Ltd and another (Respondents) v Wong and others [2022] UKPC 47. In one of the most important trusts law judgments in recent years the Board unanimously held that the exercise of a power adding and excluding beneficiaries was void on the basis that it was inconsistent with the purpose for which the power was conferred. The judgment has important implications for the exercise of fiduciary powers more generally. Of the eleven barristers from English chambers who appeared in the Privy Council, eight were from Serle Court: Dakis Hagen KC, Emma Hargreaves and Stephanie Thompson (instructed by Baker & McKenzie (London) and ASW Law Limited (Bermuda)) acted for the appellants in the first appeal; Richard Wilson KC, James Weale and Charlotte Beynon (instructed by Stewarts, MJM Limited (Bermuda) and Baker McKenzie (Taipei)) acted for the appellant in the second appeal; Jonathan Adkin KC and Adil Mohamedbhai acted for the respondent in both appeals (instructed by Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom (London) and Conyers Dill & Pearman (Bermuda)).

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Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Anor v ESMS Global Limited and Ors

Area of Law: Company

Five members of Serle Court appeared in the recent case of Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Anor v ESMS Global Limited and Ors [2022] EWHC 2491 (Comm), on both sides of an application to strike out the Claim and for reverse summary judgment.

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Croxen & Ors v Gas and Electricity Markets Authority & Ors

Area of Law: Insolvency

On 11 November 2022 Mr Justice Zacaroli handed down judgment (available here) in respect of applications for directions by the office-holders of 10 failed energy suppliers.

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Al Buhaira National Insurance Co v Horizon Energy

Area of Law: UAE & DIFC Litigation

Zoe O’Sullivan KC and Gregor Hogan acted in the DIFC Court for the successful respondent in Al Buhaira National Insurance Co v Horizon Energy LLC CFI 098/2021 (9 November 2022), obtaining the dismissal of Al Buhaira’s application for an anti-suit injunction preventing Horizon from pursuing parallel proceedings in Sharjah.  This important judgment contains valuable consideration of the role of comity when the DIFC Court is called upon to address conflicts of jurisdiction between the different courts of the UAE.

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Privy Council hands down judgment in the Re ZII Trust/Investec2 appeals

Area of Law: Private Client Trusts and Probate

The Privy Council today handed down a landmark judgment in trusts law in the cases of ITG Ltd v Fort Trustees Ltd and Equity Trust (Jersey) Ltd v Halabi, holding that a trustee’s right of indemnity gives them a proprietary interest in the trust assets which survives cessation of trusteeship, but, by a 4 to 3 majority and allowing the appeals, that, if the trust assets are insufficient to satisfy the claims of all trustees, the liens of the trustees rank pari passu among themselves rather than on a first in time basis.

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Dusoruth v Orca Finance UK Ltd (in liquidation)

Area of Law: Insolvency

Lance Ashworth KC and Wilson Leung, instructed by Stephenson Harwood LLP, acted for the successful respondent in Dusoruth v Orca Finance UK Ltd (in liquidation) [2022] EWHC 2346 (Ch).

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Chandler v Wright

Area of Law: Insolvency

The High Court has found that myriad claims against the former directors of BHS fall to be struck out in the context of the high-value, complex litigation being brought by the joint liquidators of the BHS companies against the former directors of those companies.

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