#SerleShareMinis - Suzanne Rab on Legal Profession and Legal Education in Changing and Uncertain Times
In the second instalment in this series of posts for prospective pupillage applicants, Professor Suzanne Rab reflects on the transformation of the legal profession during and in the wake of COVID-19. Maybe you studied or were considering your options during this period? Maybe you are now thinking about what lies ahead?
The post takes its inspiration from a series of chapters that Suzanne has recently had published in the book, “Legal Education and Legal Profession During and After COVID-19”. The book will also be of interest to more established legal practitioners thinking through the implications of changed and changing economic times. We hope this will inspire you in the next stage in your journey through the law – whether you are just starting out or having a rethink.
The book captures experiences and experiments in the governance of law schools and the legal profession during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. It presents the psychological, philosophical, and sociological aspects of the transformation and records the transformations brought about by leaders in the legal profession and the legal profession against the evolving context of COVID-19.
Suzanne’s chapters are:
Legal Education and Legal Profession During and Beyond COVID-19. Studying Law During the COVID-19 Pandemic (pages 71-105)
Legal Education and Legal Profession During and Beyond COVID-19 Building Bonds Between Academia and Practice (pages 287-325)
Read Suzanne's SerleShare Mini here.