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Crafts Group LLC v MS Indeutsch International [2023] FSR 23 and 24

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC and Stephanie Wickenden have successfully represented Crafts Group in their appeal to the Court of Appeal in Crafts Group LLC v MS Indeutsch International [2024] EWCA Civ 87. 

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Blackhorse Investments (Borough) Limited v The London Borough of Southwark [2024] UKUT 33 (LC)

Area of Law: Property

Jonathan Upton has successfully resisted an application to set aside the whole of a final order modifying covenants in a lease of a public house. 

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Dyer v Webb

Area of Law: Property

Amy Proferes acted for the successful respondents in Dyer v Webb [2023] EWHC 1917 (KB). Perhaps unusually for a neighbour dispute, the case (as noted by Dexter Dias KC in his judgment) "raises important questions about the nature, extent and limitations of certain of our fundamental freedoms under the law."  The judgment confirms that objecting to planning applications, and discussing those applications with others, are rights protected under the Human Rights Act 1998.

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Docklock Limited v C Christo & Co Limited

Area of Law: Chancery

Daniel Lightman KC and Reuben Comiskey (of Radcliffe Chambers), instructed by Stephen Baker of Herrington Carmichael, represented the successful appellants in Docklock Limited v C Christo & Co Limited [2024] EWCA Civ 45.

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Thatchers Cider Company Limited v Aldi Stores Limited

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Stephanie Wickenden and Niamh Herrett successfully represented Aldi in Thatchers Cider Company Limited v Aldi Stores Limited.

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easyGroup Ltd v Easy Live (Services) Ltd & Ors

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC and Stephanie Wickenden successfully represented easyGroup on appeal in easyGroup Ltd v Easy Live (Services) Ltd. Having established infringement under s.10(3) for some of the Defendants’ signs, the Court of Appeal confirmed that passing off should also have been found. The judgment, given by Lord Justice Arnold, gives interesting guidance on lost licensing revenue as a head of damage under passing off. The Court of Appeal also overturned a declaration of infringement granted by the trial judge in respect of the signs not found to infringe. The Court imposed its own much narrower declaration.

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Asturion Fondation v Alibrahim

Area of Law: Property

Judgment has been handed down by Mr Justice Adam Johnson after a trial over three weeks this summer in the Chancery Division of the High Court.  The Foundation’s claims had been struck out in 2018, but then restored by the High Court in [2019] EWHC 274 (Ch) in a ruling upheld by the Court of Appeal in [2020] EWCA Civ 32; [2020] 1 WLR 1627; [2020] 2 All ER 965.

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Oatly AB v Dairy UK Ltd

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Michael Edenborough KC acted for Oatly in a High Court appeal from the UK IPO concerning the use of the word 'milk' in the trade mark 'Post Milk Generation', which is used on the packaging of some of Oatly’s oat based products.

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Philip Christian v Andrew Lloyd Webber and Trevor Nunn

Area of Law: Intellectual Property

Stephanie Wickenden acted for Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sir Trevor Nunn, securing summary judgment against a claim brought against them by a former dancer claiming copyright in “Memory” from the musical “Cats”.

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