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#SerleShare - John Machell QC has written a Case Note on the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal’s judgment in Durant International Corp v Maluf 2021-0025 (BVIHC).

John Machell QC has written a Case Note on the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal’s judgment in Durant...

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#SerleShare - Bath Rugby Judgment in the Court of Appeal

The judgment of the Court of Appeal in Bath Rugby v Greenwood, handed down on 21st December 2021, gives us clear...

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#SerleShare - The WIPO Copyright Treaties at 25 - An appreciation by Brigitte Lindner

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the World Intellectual Property Organisation Copyright Treaties, our associate member, Brigitte Lindner, shows...

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#SerleShare - FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC v Lady Brownlie: A Gateway to Further Litigation?

In this SerleShare, ‘FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC v Lady Brownlie: A Gateway to Further Litigation?’ our Associate...

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#SerleShare - The use and abuse of unfair prejudice petitions: lessons from Loveridge v Loveridge

"The unfair prejudice jurisdiction is flexible, but its tensile strength is not unlimited. The Loveridge decisions have been a...

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#SerleShare - Pro Bono Week 2021

To mark the 20th annual Pro Bono Week which takes place from 1st to 5th November 2021, Beverly-Ann Rogers, Matthew...

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#SerleShare: Exorcising the Shades of The Siskina

In this International and Offshore SerleShare, our Associate member of chambers, Anthony Kennedy discusses the implications for both practitioners...

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#SerleShare - Court of Appeal Landmark Decision in Hirachand v Hirachand [2021] EWCA Civ 1498

In this Private Client Trusts & Probate SerleShare John Eldridge discusses the landmark decision of the Court of Appeal...

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#SerleShare - What is it worth?

Following the recent decisions of the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) in Father’s Field Developments Ltd. v Namulas Pension...

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Q&A with Serle Court’s New Tenants: John Eldridge, Andrew Gurr and George Vare

John Eldridge, Andrew Gurr and George Vare join chambers as of 1st October following successful completion of their pupillages. ...

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#SerleShare - Rescinding Contracts for Fraud – know the limits

Following the recent settlement of HMRC v IGE USA Investments (featured by ITR EMEA Tax Awards 2021 as one of their ...

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