Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings by Michael Edenborough QC
Serle Court is delighted to announce the publication of Contentious Trade Mark Registry Proceedings by Michael Edenborough QC with expert contributions from Dan McCourt Fritz, Gareth Tilley, Thomas Elias, Sophie Holcombe, Adil Mohamedbhai and Adrian de Froment.
This book sets outs primarily to answer those queries that a new trade mark attorney might have about contentious proceedings; in particular, it covers all the basics of pleadings, evidence and presentation of a case before the registry and on appeal to the Appointed Person. It also seeks to provide a little thought for the more experienced practitioner, and to that end it deals with some more sophisticated points. As it approaches the issues of contentious proceedings from first principles, this book will be of interest to solicitors and patent attorneys as well.
The author and contributors are all members of Serle Court who have practices in intellectual property, and in particular in trade marks, passing-off, copyright and designs. The juniors have additional expertise between them in related chancery and commercial matters such as insolvency, company, partnership, trusts, contract and fraud work.
The work is published by CITMA: the cost to CITMA members is £164.95, otherwise it is £194.95, including postage and packaging. It can be ordered directly from CITMA.
If you have any questions about the book, or wish to discuss any matter, please contact our Senior Clerk, Nick Hockney, or our Business Development Manager, Charlotte Davidson.